#plz come because i have watermelon
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acrispyapple · 5 years ago
why do you watermark official pics that aren't yours? i'm honestly shocked cybird hasn't had you banned for dcma laws + spoiling paid stories and epilogues, but you do you. you made it so i never have to pay money for any of the cybird games + mlqc. also i read why you aren't posting the sprites which is cool and all but you shouldn't be posting game elements either way. that's super shitty of you to do because spoiler THE ARTWORK ISN'T YOURSSSSSSS. the pic of victor on your twitter isnt yours 2
heya! i’ve already answered an ask like this recently and ignored the follow up ones because i don’t really wanna keep repeating myself. but since you’re very persistent and it’s still the same thing, here i go! putting under a cut because it’s long and has images – with stuff written on them! dun dun dunnnn (¯▿¯)
to start things, i’m the wrong person to accuse of being irresponsible with my posts because i’m very mindful of posting etiquette. have you not seen all my campaigns about not stealing from artists, from blogs, etc. i ask for permission for everything, even for random text i want to translate from someone’s post. even for cosplay i’ve seen other people freely post, i always go to the source and ask. i hope my answer clarifies things for you because i don’t really wanna have to repeat it again! (*^^*)♡
re: watermarks (complaint mostly about mlqc because i don’t really do it for cybird)
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re: cybird
i’m not exactly a hidden secret blog, so i’m pretty sure cybird is well aware of me. plus, they’ve left comments on my blog in the past. sooo, there’s nothing shocking about it at all! maybe what’s shocking is you somehow expected cybird to not have noticed my blog all these years. do you actually know what the digital millennium copyright act covers? (dmca not dcma btw) as long as i know how to read and understand rules and i’m always within its boundaries, there’s nothing being violated. always post obstructed cgs / never full, snippets of 10 for screenies, never in consecutive order, etc. you should read the rules tbh, you seem unfamiliar with it. ☆
re: you never having to pay money for any cybird game
again, snippets = not full stories. everyone can post snippets. paid or not. that’s so weird that you feel you don’t need to pay for ~any cybird game~ anymore because of my blog. i haven’t been consistently posting paid content for so long. even ikesen epilogues. because i don’t have the time. and i’ve skipped posting a couple of events on my blog too. i don’t post ikerev / midcin consistently either. i’ve posted from two ikevam events in the past months with epilogue snippets. i guess you only played those? that’s hardly everything. nice attempt at creating an issue about me making cybird lose money tho! for someone who thinks i do dodgy things, you sure do like reading from my blog– if what you’re saying is true. but you seem to not know my blog content either. (⌒_⌒;)
i have another answer for this from an ask from 9 months ago:
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re: not paying for mlqc
they allow posting everything from their game, i even verified with their team! but even i don’t have the time or post slot to post everything from it. i mostly post about victor soooo, i guess that’s everything you need to know about mlqc then? yay for you only needing victor! ♡
re: game elements
anyway, moving forward to my twitter header:
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it’s from this post i made, where i screenied scenes (and edited them a bit to look brighter and prettier) from the pv of the new chapters in the ch version.
now, i just put my username there as a marker and it was already covered in the first part of this ask. (how it helps me keep track of my posts, helps me when people are able to identify it’s from my blog and alert me of it being posted elsewhere, etc.) but i wanted to show it even clearer so you can finally let go of whatever it is you’re burning with. ( ˙▿˙ )
it just says acrispyapple on this screenie i took (that’s right, it’s just a screenshot lmao), it’s a random word or name. i made it small and inconspicuous so it wouldn’t distract from the image. the weibo watermark is bigger and clearer but i don’t use it– i can, but i don’t. when people see it, they know it’s official art and that’s it. there’s no “made by acrispyapple™©®”
(thanks for visiting my twitter btw! it doesn’t really have a lot of followers haha)
sooo, there’s weibo and its automatic watermarks (location can be changed).
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“damn, all the users on weibo are claiming stuff as their own!!!! it’s not just a marker that a certain thing was posted from a certain blog!!! they’re claiming it as theirs even tho it’s clearly very easy to see that it’s one of many free-for-all official images!!!” (≧◡≦)
and i’ve seen people use the cards as banners for fanfics and other stuff, or even memes where they put random stuff on it like this:
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but writing a random word on it, just because you know my blog is somehow a great sin? it’s not even acrispyapple.tumblr.com ✿
would it maybe make you feel better if it wasn’t just acrispyapple? i can use random words and it’ll still serve as a marker for me lmao
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anyway anon, it pays to actually listen and read before you get mad and accuse. i’m not breaking any rules and i’m very much aware of what’s not allowed and what’s allowed. (^ ^*)♡
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i kinda like it. (^◔ᴥ◔^)
side note: if you have a vendetta against me, you’re free to have one. but please don’t try to make stuff up just to yell at me. you can hate me quietly from afar or just avoid me altogether. or if you want to find a reason to yell at me, at least try to educate yourself about what you’re planning on yelling at me about. it’ll save me time trying to explain stuff! i also don’t like wasting my post slots for the day. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i would suggest looking at my actual content first, so your lack of knowledge of it doesn’t give you away. also, try asking yourself if you really think cybird’s en team would miss me after all these years and if you’re somehow the only enlightened one who can see all my ~misgivings~? are you aware of mlqc’s rules?
it’s funny because i’m not even close to covering everything for mlqc and there are blogs that cover far more than i do. i answer a lot of asks (i wish asks were paid content, as in i get paid to answer asks), but game content-wise, i’m faaaar from covering everyone. unless you really consider victor the whole game (♡). in which case i’m still missing his ch11 and ch19 screenies and one date. oh and the recent rumors&secrets! if you take a look at my posts, it’s mostly announcements, asks, fanart, general info, avatar posts, etc. i think you blindly went in with salt. ( ˙▿˙ )
i don’t really interact with people unless i have to talk about reposts and fanart-related stuff. i also just talk about games on my blog. so i don’t know what i could’ve done to merit your hatred. maybe you dislike that i ask for basic courtesy or that i enforce rules given to me by artists? i’m always polite tho. hmm, mystery-desu! ✩���₊˚
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 4 years ago
do you think there is any significance that alex's colour scheme is green and pink? or do you think rr went "u know what this character needs? to look like a watermelon"
((Prefacing this by saying that I'm giving RR way too much credit here, but you shouldn't take anything an author does for granted— even a serial author who often makes blunders and mistakes.))
A while ago I saw a (pretty unfair) assumption that RR made it green and pink because blue and pink would be too obvious, but that his intention was obviously to reinforce the gender binary by using two distinctly gendered colors for a character with two distinct genders. Of course, they did not phrase it so delicately. No offense to whoever made that post, but I disagree.
Although that may have had to do with it, there's other things to consider. One of them is color symbolism. And oh. OH. I ADORE symbolism— especially flower/plant symbolism (Language of the Flowers and all that jazz), seasonal symbolism (there's a reason that evermore is my second favorite Taylor Swift album), and color symbolism.
Let's talk about green first. Green can symbolize a lot of different things, and there are a few that can be applied to Alex's character. The most obvious thing that green often represents is jealousy— hence the expression "green with envy." But envy is not really one of Alex's character traits. Feel free to argue with me if you think that Alex is significantly envious. Just because I couldn't think of substantial textual evidence for it does not mean that there isn't any.
One of the traits that Alex does have is wealth. Green is the color of American currency, and since both RR and Alex are American, it's safe to take an American lens while looking at this color. Alex's socioeconomic background effects her in a big way. I mentioned in a previous post that I think that Alex's fatal flaw is her sense of entitlement. That kind of entitlement is a quality not exclusive to but common among the upper class. However, her distance from her wealthy background enhances the sense of irony in the story, which is a VERY big thing that we NEVER talk about within the fandom.
This is kind of a little thing, but it's worth noting that when it comes to Valhalla and everything, Alex is "green"— as in new and inexperienced.
The color green also emphasizes Alex's connection with nature. This is one of the parts of Alex's character that the fandom consistently underplays, which is an absolute shame. I don't think I have to explain why the color green is associated with all things natural. Alex's association with nature provides a few key things to her character:
It makes her a more well-rounded character. Another criticism of Alex I believe is totally unfounded is that "being genderfluid is her only personality trait because it influences her philosophy on pottery, which is her only hobby." I'm probably going to make another post in, like, a few minutes about why I find that argument a little silly, but the primary problem is that pottery is not Alex's only hobby. She also loves camping, hiking, and ice wall climbing (I bet y'all forgot about that last one!)
It gives her a connection with Magnus. I mentioned in a previous post that Magnus and Alex are foils, but I neglected to bring up why that also makes for very good chemistry between them. Of course, yes, they have different goals and philosophy, which is what makes them foils in the first place. But foil relationships function best when the characters also share some traits. As it turns out, Alex and Magnus share several hobbies, and one of them is a mutual love for nature. This is a very unexplored thing in fics. Start doing it more plz.
Finally, and this one's kind of minor, but the Alex's green gives her a connection to Natalie. I know, whenever Alex and Natalie are compared, either in canon or in fandom, everybody kind goes "eww. Oedipus complex." Which is very fair and true. But they really do have a lot of similarites. The green of Alex's hair and clothes connects her to the green of Natalie's eyes. It's worth saying, too, that Alex has one amber eye— and amber is pretty close to dirty blonde, like Natalie's hair.
If I had more faith in RR, I might bring up the concept of intextuality and how Alex wearing green is an allusion to The Great Gatsby and how Alex is elusive to Magnus, just like Daisy is to Gatsby. But I don't.
To give credit to the person who wrote the post I mentioned at the beginning of this spiel, I do believe that part of the reason pink was used was to support femininity. Please keep in mind that Alex dresses in an androgynous way— not that there is an actually "gendered" way to dress, since gender as we perceive it is mostly made up. But Alex's existence as a transfemme person (which I will maintain until my dying day) means that pink has a certain significance to her. A lot of AMAB people embrace traditionally feminine things because if they don't, they will not be accepted as genuine women or genuine nonbinary folks, since masculine dress is unisex and kind of the default. So Alex wearing pink probably had something to do with her gender, yes. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, and it's certainly not an unrealistic thing.
Speaking of Alex's gender in relation to the color pink, let's talk about pink's use as a queer rights symbol. Alex was RR's first character to be introduced as a queer character from the start. This was not an insignificant thing, especially in the year of our Lord 2016 (which, despite popular belief, seriously had an entirely different landscape of queer rep. Though it's commonplace now to include genderqueer characters, it was exceptional at the time— especially by such an accomplished and mainstream children's author.).
Let's go back in time to Nazi Germany. Some of you might know this, but for those of you don't this transition must seem jarring. I swear there's a point. In addition to Jews, Romani individuals, people with disabilities, and Poles (among others), gay men were victimized by the Nazis. If you're wondering why lesbians weren't persecuted, it's because the Nazis didn't see them as a serious political threat, or as a threat to the perpetuation of the Aryan race since they assumed gay women could be forcefully impregnated if need be. Yeah, ew. Anyway, much like the Star of David being used to mark Jewish people, gay men were forced into concentration camps and forced to wear a pink triangle. Years later, after the gay population somewhat recovered, the pink triangle was reclaimed and used as a symbol for gay men. Some people who were not gay men used it, too, but that's somewhat controversial since it wasn't their symbol to reclaim. When the first pride flag was created, it had a pink stripe at the top to signify sex (this was later dropped so flags could be more easily produced). The pink triangle (inverted) was used during the AIDs epidemic with the caption "Silence=Death."
My point is that this is a very important color to queer folks. Having one of the first genderfluid characters in kid's lit wear pink...... I mean, it makes sense.
The last and final thing that pink represents, in this context and in general, is innocence. Granted, this kind of connects to feminitity since women (especially white women) are often infantalized and seen as innocent— which is another issue. In any case, the use of pink to represent innocence in Alex's dress is ironic. Alex has been robbed of her childhood innocence, first by her abusive parents, then by her life on the streets, and then by her eventual death at age sixteen. But then she actually regains her innocence. At the beginning of the—
Hold on. I just had a revelation. I'll make a post about it soon.
At the beginning of SotD, Alex is acting a little childish. The most obvious example is him jumping on Randolph's bed to "make noise." Alex's life is stable and relatively healthy for the first time in the years, and she experiences something that a lot of queer folks experience: a re-emergence of childhood at a late stage.
I imagine you didn't expect a post this long. I either make essay responses to asks or I add on one sentence and post it. Oops. Anyway, I believe the mcga fandom can be more creative than calling Alex a watermelon. Here are some other (kinda romantic) pink-and-green alternatives:
Cherry blossom trees
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 3 years ago
All about me!
My actual name: Ivanna
My preferred nicknames: Evie, Dedde, and Deedz, your friendly watermelon aunt! (AO3 is Mrs.Watermelon993, so there’s the nick name.)
My ethnicity: Latina (I’m Colombian), I also come from the Watermelandia.
My favortite animal: Giraffes
My favorite flavor: Mint with chocolate (A combination made in Heaven)
Two things about me:
I’m actually a biscuit 
I’m a very shy person 
Yo hablo Español and English fluently. Je parle un peu français mais je ne sais pas beaucoup
My hobbies include:
Reading, writing, getting anxious for writing and not writing, never actually finishing half my stories, randomly going into hiatuses because I got unmotivated or sad, watching youtube, making fannart and fanfics, feeling down because I have self-steem issues and tell myself I am not good enough, making self-depricating jokes because I don’t like to take myself quite seriously.
I identify my Hogwarts’ house as : Slytherin!
Combined house is: Slytherpuff 
My favorite ships oven are the ones that people hate the most and made me look like a crazy person
I’m a cat person but I like doggos as well. 
I do like to do fannart but post it on rare occasions.
My DA, Tumblr, and AO3 accounts have different names because having a single name is just quite boring for me. 
My favorite movies are mostly animated classics, from independent animation studious, thrillers, maybe horror movies, and fun comedies (I’ll say between light-hearted and kind of obscure)
I have a tendency to write a lot.
I like to analyze characters.
I’m an introvert and I get really overwhelmed if I try to interact once with someone but it is all worth it for me.
I like to reblog things that I like or find quite funny. I’m not very active in many of my accounts due to personal time and not really being into fandoms, but I often like to occasionally post things about characters or things I love.
I’m also the creator of probably quite a controversial ship in the EOA community, but I just found that stupid idea of a younger me increasing and meeting people who like it as well as quite awesome. No worries, I love to have an open mind and talk to others with kindness.
About this blog:
Hello Jello, my fellow Jellybeans and Watermelorians! This is your watermelon aunt speaking. It doesn’t matter your age, where you're from, or even your orientation, what you identify as or like. I’m here to be your big, little sister, friend, or your watermelon aunt! Whatever you need (Don’t take it too literal plz) I’m here to help!
I love to meet other people and have conversations and joke around the things we like. I try to be open-minded as possible, so take this place to just hang around, seek for some comfort, or just joke around about silly things. I’m all for not taking yourself seriously at times, but also be willing to help those who need you the most. Love and kindness can make the world a better place, so I think we should spread it around!
I got a couple of rules though:
1. Hate, harassment, and bullying will not be tolerated here. This and my other accounts (DA and AO3. Lost my FF due to my email not working) are a safe and open space for other people to feel safe and have fun. 
2. Try to keep it as friendly as possible for others. I’m ok if you got a little high rated ideas, or things (as long as is not NSFW pictures. Sorry babies) but there can be people who can be quite sensitive to this.
3. Have fun! I love to do and learn about new things or fandoms. Feel free to give me the weirdest questions or prompts, I love doing weird stuff from time to time!
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monsterenergysimp · 4 years ago
Sitting Pretty: permanance pt. 2
corpse husband x fem! reader 
summary: you’re talking to corpse and the conversation becomes more than just friendly
request: Hi I love your writing so much and I was wondering if you could do a pt2 of permanence if it’s not to much to ask plz🥺
warnings: cursing, mentions of tattooing
word count: 619
notes: This is proof read but I could have missed some stuff. Tag list was getting long so I moved it to the end. Message me or send me an ask off anon if you want to be added. If you want a part two to any of my fics just send a request (especially if you have a specific plot in mind). I really hope this lived up to your expectations nonnie and I hope everyone enjoys :) 
main blog: @itsmysleepover 
read part 1 here! 
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“Your stream went well yesterday,” you said after turning the vacuum cleaner off. You were talking to Corpse over the phone as you cleaned your room. You moved to your desk and started clearing off the trash, then dusting it.“Thanks, I wish you could have joined us, though,” he said. “I wanted to play too but I was at work; I wasn’t even supposed to listen to your stream while tattooing but I couldn’t miss it.”
“That’s nice of you,” he said, “but don’t put your job at risk to listen to me lie to our friends,”  he finished, mumbling the rest. You stopped dusting your desk and looked at your phone. This is the closest you could get to scolding Corpse without actually scolding him.
“I’d risk anything to hear you have fun, plus my client was cool with it. She kept gushing about you while I was working.”
This seemed to pique his interest. “Really?”
“Yup. She kept talking about how smart and sweet you are. And how talented you are. She also said she knows you’re handsome.”
“Huh,” he said sounding amused.
You smirked at this simple response. Curious about what he meant. “Don’t tell me I inflated your ego.” He snickered as you finished dusting off your desk and the shelf next to it. You put all the little knick-knacks back in place. You grabbed your phone and made your way to the living room where you planned to just relax as you spoke to Corpse. “Are you lying to me and telling me all the stuff you said,” He teased. You laughed blissfully and he laughed along with you. “You got me there.”
Your relationship was confusing right now. You guys talked most days but the conversation would always end up more than just friendly. The obvious flirting had mostly stopped and was replaced by this very confusing playful banter. You weren’t sure what to make of it.
“What are you doing right now?” You asked.
“Just waiting on my door dash delivery from Sizzler’s.”
“Wish I could be waiting there with you.”
“I wish you were here too.”
You looked over at your phone and smiled. A comfortable silence fell over you both. You felt the gentle sun come in from the window. You genuinely did want to be there with him. “You’re great you know that,” You spoke, not giving a second thought to what you said. He was silent for longer than he usually was after a compliment.
“I’m not that great?” He rebutted. You scoffed.
“Are you fucking kidding me Corpse? You’re incredible!” You threw yourself back onto the couch. “That girl was right, you are sweet and smart and talented. I’m sure you’re handsome too!”
He stayed quiet again. For longer this time. You heard some shuffling on his end but that was all. You stayed on the call unsure what to do. There was a bit more shuffling before Corpse spoke again. “Do you wanna facetime?” He blurted out. You sat up and stared at your phone. “We’re already talking, and I look like shit anyway.”
“You’re always beautiful and I wanna see you-- if you’re cool with.”
“Okay.” You quickly hung up the call. Before you had time to fully process what he had said your phone started ringing. You answered it. He could fully see your face but because he was in a dark room all you saw was a silhouette of his face. “Hey,” was all you could muster.
“My door dash got here, wanna pretend we’re sitting here together?”
A smile crept its way onto your face at the idea of sitting there with Corpse. “I guess we’re playing pretend in the meantime.”
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tag list: @watermelon-mess​ @oldblackandwhitetown​ @susceptible-but-siriusexual​ @gday5sos​ @ashanti-granville @03ohj​ @djxrin​ @grapewish​ @crapimahuman​ @saturn2000​ @whatawonderfulusername​ @johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt​ @lauramacch​ @socialdesires​ @teaspill8​ @whathasateezdonetome​ @seutarose​ @whiteblacknothingpanda​ @save-the-sky​ @chrysanthykios​ 
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ikevamp-shrine · 5 years ago
The Ikevamp boys holding their first baby for the first time/ their MC giving birth.
(I know that historically the majority of them have like a dozen children, but that isn’t addressed in any of the routes. So I’m just assuming that in the game they don’t have any kids.)
Characters: Dazai, Comte, Vincent, Sebastian, Mozart
Warnings: none
He was almost late to the birth of his first child (of course came through the window as his child was coming through another type of window)
Was 100% extremely supportive in a what-the-hell-are-you-saying type of way... example: patting MC’s hair and saying “that’s a good girl Ai-Chan, push that watermelon out”
As soon as he heard his baby cry for the first time he started crying as well but not happy tears, no, no, no, he said he didn’t want his child to feel alone when crying
When he held the product of his and his MC’s love, it felt like all the pressure on his shoulders just melted away
He felt grounded to the spot as he stared at the now calm and sleeping baby’s face
He knew from the moment he had laid his eyes on the child’s own eyes he was a goner
“When can I teach them to climb through windows?”
He would be extremely worried because he had been alive for a very long time and had seen many women and children die during child birth
He would want everything to be perfect
He would make Sebastian deep clean the room they wanted to have the birth in, he would make everyone stay away other than the people that absolutely needed to be there (so basically Arthur, him, MC, and Sebastian standing outside the door)
he would ask Mozart to play a light melody to help calm MC
He would whisper encouraging words into MC’s ear, hold her hand even went it felt like she was going to break it (was 100% surprised at MC’s strength), while gently smoothing down her hair
He would feel absolutely tormented by his love’s screams
He would gently smile when he hears the baby’s first cries
He wouldn’t hesitate to take the child in his arms and wrap a blanket around their tiny form to keep them warm
He would honestly be terrified while holding his child purely because how tiny and fragile they were
Would whisper promisies into the child’s ear to always protect them and love them unconditionally no matter what
“You did splendidly ma chérie, and I shall spend every waking moment giving you and our child all my love”
Was a frantic mess the entire time
Was there through every single moment, second, contraction, and yell (we stan a supportive baby daddy)
Was horrified at MC’s language and got confused many times thinking that his brother was beside him and not MC pushing a human being out of her
Would constantly kiss MC’s forehead until she would yell at him to get out of her face and that her pain was his fault
When he heard his baby’s cry slice through the air he started crying (and unlike Dazai the tears were from overwhelming joy)
Once his baby was in his arms (he would be sitting down because he would be afraid to drop them) his tears would stop and the world would stop moving around him
He wouldn’t be able to hear or see anything else other than his precious child staring at him with confused, and curious, wide eyes
Vincent would do his signature smile that makes the sun jealous causing the baby to smile to
Good news the baby has inherited both Vincent’s smile and the Van Goh’s striking blue eyes
“Well look at that, I guess that little pup isn’t so bad looking after all” “Theo that is my child”
The birth of his child would be one of the few times he would not act like a butler and would instead act like a lover (aka a normal freaking human being with normal freaking emotions)
He would ask Comte before hand to make the other residents to stay away so they don’t overwhelm MC
He would be extremely calm the entire time even when his lover is screaming her head off because she is pushing out a bowling ball
He would already have a change of clothes, extra blankets and fluffy pillows for MC once she is through the labor
He would sigh in relief once he hears the baby cry
He would never tell anyone but he was very worried about the fact he was in the 19th century with 19th century medical supplies and about how the only doctor they could actuallly have in the mansion without risking the mansion’s secret was the flirtatious, playboy Arthur
He would feel like the greatest and luckiest man on earth while holding his little bundle of joy even if he was in a mansion with some of the world’s greatest men
“Sebatian give me my baby back” “no. You’ve been holding them for nine months... it’s my turn”
Is calm cool and collective on the outside but on the inside he is freaking the flip out
Will come prepared to the birth armed with multiple towels and cleaning supplies and will be constantly wiping off MC’s forehead cause he can’t stand the sight of sweat
Seems like he wouldn’t know what to do but he would surprise everyone by being extremely supportive and coaching MC through her contractions
Once he hears the baby cry for the first time he would smile just like when he has one or two drinks but then would immediately scowl once he sees someone looking at him
He would be hesitant to hold his child at first but then MC would make him hold the baby
He would be awkward at first holding them but once he sees the baby yawn and rest their head on his chest he would complete melt inside even if his outward appearance would still look as stoic as ever
“My turn!” “Arthur, if you touch my child with your grimy fingers you will be without your hands”
Shakespeare (lowkey don’t know how to write for him so if anyone has any suggestions plz help this poor child)
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retrievablememories · 5 years ago
a sudden desire | johnny (m)
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title: a sudden desire pairing: johnny x black reader genre: fluff, smut, fantasy/sci-fi summary: when you make an emergency landing on an ice planet, you have no choice but to seek refuge for the night. word count: 5.4k warnings: detailed description of an injury, mentions of violence, tending to wounds, mentions of insecurities, heavy petting, fingering, some dirty talk, unprotected sex��do not try at home!! 🔞 a/n: this exists in the same universe as my other fic, empathy. i’m developing this universe literally as i go, so plz excuse any plot holes, illogical shit, etc. i feel like this might be a bit too similar to another fic i wrote on here, but whatever chile it’s an excuse for some johnny smut so...bone app the teeth
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The cold bites into your nose, fingertips, lips—the very bone marrow of your body. All you can do is shudder against the strong, icy wind beating across your skin and cling tighter to the backpack on your shoulders. You flex your fingers on the backpack straps to keep the blood circulating in them, though that doesn’t do much good when they hurt too much to move properly.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” Ten curses beside you, and you’d agree if your lips didn’t feel frozen shut. Out of all places for your ship to give out, it’s just your luck that it happened on Kankara. Ice planet or not, though, you all made it out only by the skin of your teeth. The raiders who were on your tail would’ve surely taken advantage of the ship’s ruined state—one that they caused—if Laila and Lucas hadn’t taken them out with their gunning skills.
You, Ten, Lucas, and Laila huddle together near the entrance of the repair garage as you watch Johnny transfer the team’s credits to the repairman. Surprisingly, he’s one of the few other humans you’ve encountered in your travels across the galaxy, and it makes you wonder how he ended up here.
You already know there aren’t going to be many credits left after paying to fix the extensive damages the ship sustained, which is even more reason to get it in working order again. Because once it’s running, you can seek more missions—and more bounties.
“What’s the cheapest place around here that we can crash at for a while?” Johnny asks the man once he takes his Unit Pad back. The man scoffs, throwing him a look that’s equal parts sympathetic and amused.
“Not many hovercabs run around here, especially this time of night. The closest and cheapest place you’ll reach on foot is Drakar’s Motel...but it ain’t shit to write home about.” The man gives Johnny the directions. Most of what he says goes in one of your ears and out the other. You’ll be amazed if half of your brain isn’t frozen by the time you get indoors.
Laila sighs at the prospect of shacking up in a strange place. “I wish we could take the smaller craft,” she says, stomping her feet like a child.
“Too bad it got damaged too,” Lucas says, rubbing her shoulders in a futile attempt to warm her up. “These raiders are fuckin’ ruthless, man.”
“I guess it’ll have to do,” Johnny sighs, pocketing his pad and making his way back to the group. He reaches for one of your hands and you uncurl it from your backpack strap to take his. It’s an effort, but you feel better the instant his skin is on yours, so you think it’s worth it.
The snow never stops falling on this planet. It’s a perpetual winter, only much less jolly and welcoming than your typical winter wonderland. There doesn’t seem to be much of anything here. Just scattered buildings, empty streets, snow, and more snow—like a frozen desert. You don’t mind a bit of cold weather every now and then, but this is an extreme you don’t think you could ever get used to.
Kankara’s neighboring moons hang large in the sky, providing ample light to travel by. At least you don’t have to worry too much about whatever’s lurking in the dark.
Thankfully, you don’t have to walk the streets for too long before a bright glow begins manifesting through the ice and snow, as if some holy mirage. The slanted edges of a building come into focus, and it becomes clear that this is the motel’s silhouette.
“Finally!” Ten kicks a mound of snow in front of him and it sprays up around Laila, who promptly blesses him out for dousing her in more cold. As usual, Lucas has to squeeze his way in between them to stop the ensuing mess.
The first thing you notice about the motel is its neon sign. Not all of the letters work, so it looks more like “a a’s ote” than “Drakar’s Motel.” You simply chuckle and roll your eyes at that. If you were the one who had to come out in this cold to fix the letters, you’d leave the shit alone too.
There’s not much to see on the outside of the motel, with white powder covering nearly every inch of its exterior. You have to admit that it looks quite small, though, even from farther away.
When you all get inside, you realize it’s not much better. The temperature in the lobby is only a few degrees higher than the outside, at most. Not brutally cold anymore, but certainly not enough to warm anybody up. The lobby itself is barely bigger than one floor of your ship, and the burning fluorescent lights make you feel like a bug pinned underneath a glass pane, strangely lit up and displayed for all to see.
An extraterrestrial you recognize as a Vykyll sits behind the check-in counter reading a magazine. They’re balancing their chin on one of their tentacles, looking half-asleep and extremely bored with their job...or with life itself. Their nametag reads “Srynei.”
Srynei looks up from their magazine and gives you all a weary expression. “Before you even ask, there are only two one-beds available. The other rooms are either occupied or defunct.”
“One bed?” Lucas echoes, his eyes widening. He looks stuck between incredulity and annoyance.
You and Johnny glance at each other. He shrugs. “Well…it’s not like we have the money to pay for anything better, anyway.” He takes out his Unit Pad to hand to the alien. “Book it for five nights.”
Srynei places their magazine down and takes out a Unit Pad with the motel’s logo on it. “2 rooms for 50 credits a night...you got it.”
“Defunct? What does that mean?” Laila asks, furrowing her eyebrows.
“It means we can’t stay in those rooms, dumbass,” Ten replies, flicking her forehead. She catches his wrist before he can pull away fast enough and twists it, making him yelp in pain.
“I know what it means, watermelon head. I’m asking, why are they defunct?”
“Burst pipes, leaks, shattered windows from the sheer amount of cold...not my problem, though, I just check in the guests.” Srynei rolls their eyes as if they’re exhausted with the absurdity of the entire situation. You can’t imagine how many off-world visitors Kankara gets for the motel to still be in business, but stranger things have happened.
After the transaction is finished, Srynei holds out two room keys and you take them. 102 and 105, which means at least you won’t have to venture back out to use the stairs.
“So who’s sleeping with who?” Laila asks.
“I thought that was obvious,” Lucas snickers, wrapping his arms around her and Ten’s shoulders. He squishes them against his body in a too-tight hug and they both complain for air. “We should all leave these two,” he nods his head in your and Johnny’s direction, “to themselves, shouldn’t we?” It makes sense. The statement is innocent enough, but the sly faces of your three friends reveal their true thoughts.
“Can you not?” You laugh nervously, tossing Lucas the key for room 105. “I’m about ready to hit the sheets, so…” You don’t wait for his response before making your way down the hall, which is a tad narrower than you’re comfortable with. Everyone else will probably end up walking single-file to fit through. “God, this place is a claustrophobic nightmare.”
You fit the key in the lock and try to keep your mind off what Lucas just said. With some success. Okay, not a lot.
You and Johnny have been together for a little over 5 moon cycles now, but it’s safe to say you haven’t done much other than kiss and cuddle—which is mostly fine with you. But sometimes, you wonder how he feels about it and if he’s...content with it? Or maybe even growing tired of it? You feel bad for even thinking like that, because you know he doesn’t care and you shouldn’t either, but…
This isn’t the first time you’ve slept in the same bed together, but now that’s it been brought up, you can’t keep your mind off the subject of doing more. And as if on-cue, it makes your oh-so-familiar self-doubts rise to the surface.
“Are you okay?” Johnny’s voice interrupts your thoughts. His hand clasps over yours, and that’s when you realize you’ve been fumbling with the key in the lock for a good few moments now. He steadies your hand and helps you finally turn the key and unlock the door. “You must be really cold, let’s get you inside.”
“It’s not gonna be much warmer in there...” you say. The other three are already raising hell as they try to squeeze past each other in the small corridor, and you know it’s going to be a long few days.
The room is just as small as you expect it to be—and just as cold. There’s a heating and air conditioning unit by the window, though you doubt even it works judging by the room’s temperature. “Sometimes I feel like we never left Earth. Some of this stuff is so similar…” You wonder if the motel was purposely modeled after its Earth-based counterparts, or if there simply weren’t enough funds to spring for more advanced alien tech.
You don’t know a lot about Kankara, but you’ve heard it mostly described as a vast and cold-hearted place. The latter characteristic is undeniable of the weather, but you don’t know if you can make that kind of snap judgment for the planet’s inhabitants. Living somewhere like this will make anyone’s ambitions and hopes shrink to near nothingness, centering more on survival than basic pleasures.
“Takes getting used to,” Johnny sighs, closing the door and stripping off his two outer jackets as carefully as possible. “It’s like déjà vu.”
“You should get cleaned up,” you say, fiddling with the switches on the HVAC. As you thought, nothing works. That’s lovely.
“You should go first.” Johnny comes over to you and rubs his hands on your arms to try and warm you up.
“No way, I’m not the injured one here. I’d think you need it more than me.”
“Isn’t the first and probably won’t be the last. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
Johnny moves your braids to the side and kisses your cheek in what is usually an innocent gesture. Him saying, “Don’t make me beg,” immediately after, though, makes it decidedly less so.
“O-okay,” you squeak, rushing to grab your clothes and head to the bathroom.
The bathroom is plain as hell, but clean, at least. You scrub off as much of the day’s dirt and grime as you can. Thankfully, the water isn’t as cold as the rest of the place, but it still isn’t as warm as you’d prefer.
Johnny takes his turn after you dress and come out. You climb onto the bed and notice that a portion of the window is in view—he must’ve pushed the drapes back. You stare out of the glass, watching the snow fall endlessly and wondering how it never piles higher. It’s as if the planet is in stasis, perpetually frozen on both a physical and time-based level.
Johnny comes out of the shower shirtless and looking not much happier than he was when he got in. His mouth is tucked into that straight line that always makes you laugh. “The hot water only lasted about 2 more minutes before it cut out on me, so that was fun.”
You try not to snort. “That’s tragic, Johnny.”
“Truly a modern tragedy,” he says sarcastically, brushing his wet bangs out of his eyes. He glances at you over his shoulder as he puts his worn clothes away. “Maybe we could take a shower together next time.”
“I’m sure,” you murmur, embarrassed, tucking your knees up close to your chest.
You glance at the wound just below the left side of his ribcage. It’s mostly scar tissue, no thanks to the cauterizing heat of the blaster shot that struck him, but it still looks horrible. And it must feel similarly, with the way he moves around the room being extra careful of it.
“You need to redress it,” you tell him.
“I know,” he sighs, his shoulders slumping at the thought of doing that. Johnny turns back to look at you, a pout on his bow-shaped lips. “Will you help me?”
A small smile crosses your lips. “Okay.” Johnny roots around in his pack for the medical supplies he remembered to pack before you all ditched the ship. He takes out the roll of bandages, AntiBac Gel, and bandage clips and hands them to you before gingerly climbing on the bed, propping a pillow against the headboard to lean on.
“We’re lucky we got away when we did,” you say, spreading the AntiBac over the wound. “Those bastards wouldn’t let up…”
“We definitely would’ve been way worse off without the others,” Johnny agrees. He glances at your hand moving across his skin. “Seeing you fight always reminds me of when we first met, though…all those training sessions we had, I mean.”
“Why?” You grimace slightly at the scarred edges of the wound. Not because you’re disgusted, but because you feel bad at how painful it looks.
“Back then, you were ruthless…and it fascinated me. Even though I’m not a huge fan of violence.” His lips twitch as if he doesn’t mean to smile about it, but he does anyway. “And you’re still the same but it’s...like, different, you know?”
“I’m afraid I don’t.” You laugh, unraveling the bandage and beginning to wrap it around his chest.
“I can’t explain it,” he says, looking at you from behind his still-soggy bangs. You glance at him, drinking in the curve of his cheekbones and his chin in the light of the bedside lamp. “It’s just...everything seems a little different when you’re in love with someone.”
Your fingers falter with the bandage for a second, and you hope he doesn’t notice. If he does, he doesn’t acknowledge it. “I suppose I can’t argue with that,” you say. “But...I’m just doing what has to be done. To keep ourselves alive. It gets scary out there, and…” You falter, unsure what to say. Or if you should say what you’re thinking.
“And you can’t live without me?” Johnny says, putting his hand over his heart.
“You literally never get tired, do you?” You grin, finishing the bandage and securing it with the clips.
“I dunno, sometimes. I am just a human, after all.” Johnny brings a hand up to tuck a stray braid back into your scarf. He lies back on the small bed when you’re done, taking your hand in his and kissing it. “Thank you, my queen. How can I ever repay you from saving me from a certain demise?”
“You’re such a clown.” You shake your head, laughing and pulling away from him long enough to put away the makeshift first-aid kit.
After you store the supplies, you climb back onto the bed. It’s barely enough for the both of you, let alone Johnny’s big body, and you find yourself nearly on top of him. You mentally will your palms not to sweat as you sit in such close proximity to him while he’s half-naked. You do enjoy it, though. A lot. You find yourself tracing one of his many old scars—one long line extending across his bicep—with your gaze.
“Didn’t you get that one from the day we escaped the EECA?” you ask quietly.
Johnny glances at it and nods, his lips curling into a slight smile. “Mm...yeah. Remember when Lucas kissed you that day?”
“I don’t want to remember.” Your skin grows hot with the memory, though more out of embarrassment than anything else.
“Did you enjoy it?” His eyes crinkle with laughter.
You give him a skeptical look. “No, not really!? We didn’t know each other that well then, and I don’t like having my personal space invaded.”
Johnny considers that, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth before looking at you. “What about me?” His tone lowers and he inches closer, glancing at your lips.
You raise your eyebrows and place a hand on his chest. “I know you aren’t trying it with a serious wound right now.”
“I’m already halfway hard.” He smirks, adjusting his sleep pants.
Your chest warms straight through, enough to make you forget all about the frigidness of the motel room. You feel both anxious and enthralled. The two emotions create a conflicting dichotomy inside of you, and it makes you uncertain of how to respond. You shove his shoulder, making sure to be careful of his side. “What kind of freak gets off on having their wounds tended to?”
You both laugh, but Johnny grins nervously after a moment, suddenly becoming much more shy than he was a few minutes ago. “You know it’s all just me being silly, right? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I just want you to be comfortable.”
You just hum and look at him, regarding his features, before kissing him very tenderly on the lips. “I know, John.” After you pull away, you continue observing each other, though it doesn’t feel awkward, just—tense. Without a word, you both lean in and kiss again, a little deeper than before. His hand cradles the side of your face and neck, drifting between the two as if he isn’t sure where to settle.
Johnny licks into your mouth and you respond in kind, sliding your arm across his shoulders to pull him a little closer. Your touch is often still tentative with him, especially when you’re more intimate like this, still not quite sure if you’re allowed to have this, if it’s okay to indulge.
Johnny pulls away slightly to rest his forehead on yours, his lips still moving against your mouth when he speaks. “We...really don’t have to if you’re not ready,” he says, sounding slightly winded from the kiss alone.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” you respond. You touch the hem of the bandages where they meet his skin, a little above his abs, and your hand keeps hovering there, unsure if you can touch him that way.
“It doesn’t matter,” he responds, moving closer to kiss you again.
You don’t know how long you sit there simply kissing each other, tasting each other’s lips as if there will never be enough of this—this sweetness shared between you.
After a beat of hesitation, you allow yourself to touch his abdomen, feeling the firm indentations of muscle underneath your hand. He’s impossibly warm even though you’re on an ice planet—it’s like he’s his own personal space heater. His skin is soft under yours, and he smells good enough to drown in forever.
In response to your touches, Johnny’s hand leaves your face and travels to your side, sliding down your waist and lower to your hip. His fingers are close to the inside of your thigh, moving over the fabric of your pajama pants.
Your hand drifts to the waistband of his pants, too, though you hesitate to go further. You realize with a bit of surprise, though, that you very much want this, more than you possibly let yourself believe. There are still many things you’re apprehensive about doing or saying with Johnny, but in this present point in time, you feel positive that you want to feel him in, around, under, over top of you—it doesn’t matter how.
Johnny’s lips separate from yours, and he moves his mouth to the soft skin of your cheek, ear, jaw, neck. Wherever he can reach is fair game at this point. “You can touch me. If you want.” He says this while kissing your neck, letting his voice vibrate across your nerves and seep into the very fibers of your being.
You take up his offer.
You tentatively slide your hand past the waistband. You don’t go underneath his underwear, but that’s fine for you. For the both of you. Instead, you feel him over the fabric, caressing the curve of his hardening cock and teasing the sensitive head with trembling fingers. Johnny moans softly against your neck, sighing and pressing his hips a little closer into your hand.
“Should I let you have all the fun?” he asks, kissing your throat.
“No,” you reply, breathless but still amused, “that wouldn’t be very fair, would it.”
Johnny vocalizes his pleasure and agreement when his fingers slip lower, pressing between your legs and gliding over your clit through the layers of your clothing. Your breath hitches, but you don’t stop stroking his dick, and he grows bolder with his own actions, sliding his hand up and away—only for a second—and then down into your pants, burdened with one less layer and giving you more calculating touches.
He strokes your clit as if he’s never touched anything so gently, and it makes you grip the back of his damp head and pull him closer to you, if at all possible. He answers that need for proximity by coming back up to claim your lips again, your tongues gliding against each other’s in the room’s quiet.
Your fingers are sticky from Johnny’s precum leaking into his underwear and onto your hand, and likewise, you are growing increasingly wetter in his hold.
Johnny moves as if he means to climb on top of you, but he winces and grunts halfway through the motion and you stop, looking at him with wide eyes.
“Are you hurt? I told you this wasn’t a good idea…”
“Stop worrying about me,” he says, though he doesn’t try to move again. “It’s just a little pain...but, um...maybe on the side is better.”
You nod, and you both spend a few awkward seconds shuffling around on the bed so Johnny is spooning you instead, your back to his front. You feel a little disappointed about not being able to see him, but that dissipates when he resumes touching you and kissing your nape. You mean to reach behind you to take care of him, too, but he seems content with gently rocking his hips against your ass, grinding his dick between your cheeks.
“Is this enough for you?” he asks, his voice soft and deep.
“W-what?” You can guess what he means, but being asked takes you off guard.
“Do you like how I’m touching you?” Johnny applies a little more pressure on your clit when he asks this, and you try unsuccessfully to not shudder like a leaf in a windstorm at the sensation. Combined with the sound of his voice, it’s an electrifying kind of feeling. “Or do you want more?”
It seems like every part of your body is throbbing with yes. “I...want more.”
Johnny lays a kiss against your shoulder. You feel him pull your underwear to the side and drag his middle finger against your clit and down to your hole, teasing you as if he doesn’t think he’ll insert it. Your body tenses and you moan. You don’t know if you should press back against his dick or into his hand, and it’s the sweetest, yet hardest, decision you’ve ever had to make.
Johnny finally eases his finger inside of you and makes a sound you can’t quite distinguish. “Is this all for me?”
“W-who else would it be for?” Your words are almost lost to the pillow as you use it to muffle your increasing sounds.
“I’m flattered, really. You shouldn’t have,” he snickers, pumping his finger into you. He makes sure to drag his palm across your clit as he does, carefully but firmly enough to make you pant. He caresses your inner walls until he finds your G spot and then focuses his energies on pleasuring that part of you.
“Shit...Johnny…” You curl your fingers into the fabric of the sheets beneath you.
Johnny slips another finger into you, and the stretch sets your nerves on fire with a more intense bliss. His mouth returns to your skin, kissing and licking and biting you everywhere.
“Johnny, please…” You reach back to grasp his hair, needing something to hold onto. He slips his right hand to your front, grasping one of your breasts through your shirt and running his thumb over the hardened nipple. You two are a tangle of limbs at this point, blurring into each other in the best possible way.
Your abdomen grows tense and your stomach warms as you come closer to your orgasm. You find yourself gripping Johnny’s arm, wanting him deeper inside of you, yet nearly wishing he’d stop for fear of being overwhelmed.
“Are you gonna come? Good. I wanna feel you gush around me,” Johnny whispers into your ear. He slips his right hand past the collar of your shirt, palming your bare breasts and pinching your nipples between his fingers.
You moan brokenly as the cord tethering you to your composure snaps, making you come and clench around Johnny’s fingers. The sound of him fucking you with his hand grows wetter, and you hear Johnny cursing in response.
Just when you think you can’t take anymore of his fingers curling into your spot, he pulls them out and puts them in his mouth, sucking them clean.
“You taste so good.” Johnny sounds drunk with lust—as if him rutting against your ass wasn’t enough of an indicator. You crane your head towards him, grip his chin, and bring his lips down to yours, tasting yourself on his mouth. He kisses you hungrily as soon as your lips meet. You almost have to pry him away to say your next words.
“I want more...” you say quietly against his lips.
Johnny smirks. “How much more?”
“You know what I want.”
“Hm...do I?”
“Yes, queen?”
You blow air through your nose in lieu of cackling outright. “Inside me, please.”
Johnny gives you a soft peck before gripping the waistband of your underwear and pushing it down your legs. You help him slide them off the rest of the way, and he does the same for himself. His dick springs up between you, flushed and wet with precum. He grips it and guides it between your thighs, though he doesn’t enter you just yet.
The tip is sticky as it pokes against your thigh and then slides through your lower lips. You shudder at feeling him so close to you, hard and warm and yearning. He rubs against you like that for a few moments, his shaft stimulating your clit and making you leak onto him even more, his dick glistening with it. Johnny grasps your hip and moves your body in tune with his own movements, and you swear you see a tiny explosion of stars every time the vein on his cock rubs your clit.
“You’re killing me,” you sigh, rolling your head against the pillow before quickly stopping. You don’t need the hassle of retying your scarf if it comes off—and God knows it will if you continue.
“I think I’ve tortured us both enough.” Johnny places the tip at your entrance and slowly inches inside. Even that much makes you gasp, and you continue whimpering as he spreads you open with his thick shaft. Johnny’s breaths grow more labored, and he groans long and low when he finally bottoms out.
There’s little room left for words when he starts thrusting, taking it slower than you expected—but you don’t mind. Even though you’re already soaking and pliable from his earlier actions, he takes his time with fucking into you, guiding you along his length and pushing his hips to meet yours in an intimate rhythm. When he brushes against that same sensitive spot with his dick, you feel like your body’s been gripped with an almost painful kind of pleasure. One that holds onto you and refuses to ever let go.
It’s all so overwhelming.
“I love you,” he moans, pushing his cock in and dragging it back out with all the leisure in the world, “so much.” Your mouth falls open, and you want to say something back, anything, but you can’t make the words come out. Instead, you’re taken aback as tears spring to your eyes, choking you and closing your throat off to any sentiment you might want to express.
This isn’t the first time he’s told you that. You both know this well. But within this context, it makes your head spin with a new kind of dizziness. It all feels so good, too good, too much to bear.
You bite his arm to keep yourself silent, though it’s too late, and he feels your tears dripping onto his skin. Johnny handles you as if you’re made of glass, drawing your face towards his as he looks at you and wipes your wet cheeks. You still aren’t comfortable crying in front of him, but he never minds.
“Look at me,” he says. Johnny’s still moving inside you, sliding into you all slick and deep, and it makes you feel nearly too vulnerable to tolerate, as if you’ve been flayed open. But you do it anyway, latching onto his warm eyes. His skin shines from a thin layer of sweat, and it makes his hair stick to his forehead. The lamp light hitting his face makes his eyes look like two never-ending pools of warm honey, and he cups your face and kisses you tenderly when you lock eyes, and it’s all just too much.
“John, holy fuck.” You don’t really mean to say that, of all things, but it can’t be stopped once your orgasm floods through you, only it isn’t the violent and quick kind—it’s more of a slow buildup that finally bursts apart, spreading ecstasy through your whole body. You moan and tremble uncontrollably as Johnny slowly strokes you through your climax, still rubbing your clit and fucking into you deep.
Everything becomes a tiny bit blurrier for you, but you don’t fail to notice his own reactions as he grows closer, his thighs trembling from the effort of keeping his pace even. Finally, Johnny crushes your body against his as if you could melt together, pulling out to cum over your thighs and stomach. He buries his face into your shoulder and groans against you, and it’s a sound you think you’ll want to hear for the rest of your life. He keeps stroking his dick in between your thighs until he’s spent, his chest heaving from the effort of it all.
You both lie there for a few long minutes, simply trying to catch your breath. You still feel the dried tears on your face, though you try your best to ignore them, not wanting to ruin the moment with unwelcome feelings.
Johnny pulls his hand out of your shirt and sits up, though it takes an extra bit of strength on his part. You feel strangely guilty about how much you dislike suddenly being parted from his touch. As if he can sense your unease, Johnny grasps your hand in both of his and gives it a long kiss before going to the bathroom.
You hear the water running. Then, Johnny comes back quickly with a small towel. He climbs onto the bed and helps you into a sitting position.
“I’m sorry it’s not warm.” He smiles sheepishly, dabbing the washcloth against your cheeks as he erases the remnants of the tears.
You give him a small smile in return. “Nothing on this planet is.”
He cleans the mess he left on your lower body before tending to himself. After he’s done, you both pull your clothes back on—because it’s far too cold to sleep without anything on—and Johnny finally finds a shirt.
In the dark of the room, you curl up against each other to keep out the chill. When you wake up in the morning, you know you’ll be greeted to more cold and snow. It’ll still be days before you can return to your ship. Depending on how many credits are left, you might have to swap a few meals for Reserve Paks instead of eating decent food. You can already taste the lukewarm, oatmeal-like consistency of it in your mouth.
Despite that...you still have your friends and teammates. You still have Johnny. Maybe this could be a peculiar form of happiness. Maybe this could be contentment. Something that belongs wholly to you.
You trace a circle on the back of Johnny’s hand, studying his features illuminated by the moonlight spilling through the blinds. You shuffle closer to be level with his ear, and he blinks at you sleepily.
“I love you too.”
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eddiesfaerie · 4 years ago
omg Clyde is the snack king and you cannot convince me otherwise, pls accept these headcanons 💓
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Clyde is the master of snacks
I feel like he would always have the appropriate snack stashed away somewhere perfect for whatever the occasion may be
At the movies?
He’s stashed a bag of cookies and whatever your favourite sweet is in your bag before you left for the theatre (he hates!!! paying those ridiculous movie theatre prices so he always comes prepared)
Out in the backyard?
He’s bringing you some juicy watermelon that he just cut up for you
Away on a hike?
You know he just spent the morning preparing some sweet and salty trail mix just for you
Packed alongside some tasty sandwiches if it was an all day hike, or some granola bars
Clyde is very intune with your body
He knows when you typically get hungry, when you feel the need to snack on something
He knows when you crave something sweet or something salty
He just knows you so well by now, he knows all your likes and dislikes
If he’s the one doing the groceries, he always has your favourites on his list, never wanting to forget to buy you what you love most
Your favourite cereal, favourite chocolate bar 
Your favourite types of chips, ice cream, candy…
You name it, Clyde knows it (almost by heart now too!)
It’s nothing you asked of him
No, you never asked him to memorize what your favourite snack is to have on a Sunday evening
Clyde simply noticed
Because he loves you that much
Clyde always makes sure to provide for you, no matter what the craving may be
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papers4me · 5 years ago
Fruits Basket SE02 (ep,7), Part 1
Tohru & the cracked mask:
Tohru wears masks in front of both the characters within the show & the viewers. we rarely sense sth is wrong with her. In the new years ep, we never knew until Hana told us & Kyo in the last ep. Thanks to hiro, tohru is still dwelling in her mom issues. she’s now super sensitive that she hurt others which scares her. This fear takes her off guard & shes drop her mask momentarily being at loss on how to cover up her feelings, awkwardly using words & actions to cover up her slip up. Lucky for her, they all brush it off as tohru being tohru. Aside from hiro’s guilty conscious &. Mr. Detective Cat, (specializing in Rice-ball cases). 
-Kyo approaches Tohru casually, sits comfortably & brings the topic frankly. There’s no planning or deliberate tactics. It comes naturally to him. Direct question “did hiro say sth weird to you?”. He didn’t hide that he was concerned & expressed his feelings honestly, “ This is what makes me worry” “didn’t I say it throws me off”. It’s okay to complain, remember? “I though I already told you” is the biggest indication of how open, genuine & normal kyo is with tohru. For kyo talking abt his parents is talking abt the source of his trauma & he thought he told her already!! That’s how much he trusted her! “ my mother kill..was killed in an accident” kyo was ready to say it as it is & I’m glad he didn’t. This is tohru in her most vulnerable moment yet, telling her his mom committed suicide would’ve troubled her deeply. She’ll feel so sorry for both of them & We know how much kyo hates pity. Although tohru hasn’t complained to kyo directly, he connected the dots. She’s sensitive abt her mom’s stories. He even guessed the topic: untold mom-memory that involves watermelon splitting. Tell the story tohru~ kyo will listen. don’t ever hold sth back by force. open up, girl! It’ll take you time, I know..but plz open up little by little. Kyo staring fondly at tohru, noticing her every detail is very romantic, him finishing her sentence for her is very liberating for tohru. yes, ur mom’s story is fun, Don’t be oversensitive & hide it. “ it IS fun”. The body language with her hand resting on his knee is very a intimate gesture for tohru!! the girl who still bows to Yuki & shigure despite living with them & talks very formally with close friends.
The angelic mother vs the troubled teen girl:
The way tohru was drawn while covering the sleeping kids reminds me of how kyoko was drawn in tohru’s memories & how most mothers are drawn in anime. So tender, with a doting smile, flowing hair, affectionate stare & kind face. Like an angel hovering around helpless children. Interestingly, that image was seen from Yuki’s perspective alone. Both haru & kyo were there but only yuki pictured this. This reminded me of another scene where tohru was drawn motherly & angelic, In Kisa ep in SE01. kisa slept in her lap & all yuki wanted was to rest in her shoulders. This is heavily contrasted with how kyo saw tohru with the kids. His thought was “The kids are so carefree” normal comment you’d expect from a tired adult abt children. What kyo saw was a troubled teen who was awkwardly hiding her pain & tragically missing her late mother. She is someone who needs to a push to vent, someone who is NOT okay. This brings other scenes as well. From kyo’s perspective tohru is someone who he can gently hit on the head for being spacey, or tease for nose dripping while crying, or blush at excessively for trying on a swimsuit. To sum up, Yuki sees her as an angelic mother & kyo sees her as real person. I must say I’m completely amazed at how the visuals as used to convey the difference between the two boys in regard to tohru. That’s how visual tools & story telling should be combined & used!
Yuki opened the lid:
Hiding the content of Akito’s encounter with Yuki is done to mirror Yuki’s  uncertain & unresolved feelings. However, while yuki didn’t tell us what happened, he told us his feelings afterwards. Yuki opened the lid. He faced Akito & he wasn’t as shaken as before. I love that opening the lid doesn’t automatically mean that you are healed. It means that you are now facing your trauma & trying to figure out how to deal with it without relying much on faulty coping mechanisms. You are still using these faulty ways at the moment but you are actively searching for healthier ways.
-Yuki knows he isn’t as useless as Akito tried to instill in him.. He saved someone & by saving her, he himself was far more saved in every sense of the word. If Yuki didn’t save young tohru, someone else would have whether the police or her mom. This incident didn’t change tohru’s life much. But if yuki didn’t save young tohru, he wouldn’t have been able to believe in himself. He can never repay her back for that moment & for the warmth & joy that she shared with him. Being forever indebted is bittersweet. This is what the whole falling stars scene felt to me..so bittersweet. For sometime, I was a bit confused on why I felt as sad as Yuki & as confused as tohru. But now I think I get it. The gratefulness that he feels is coupled with the feeling of incompleteness. To him, tohru is like the sky, so majestic, enveloping all creatures below her with rain & warmth. But also far away. Skies are kinda similar to mothers, always there for you, but you can’t look at them forever. Yuki can’t tell tohru abt the hat yet, because he wants to be able to say it happily & strongly, rather than sadly & weakly. He wants to stand on his feet to say it NOT bend & rest on her shoulders as he’s doing now & as he did in Kisa’s ep in SE01. “ you are so dear to me/I don’t know what I would do without you” are both expressions that imply Yuki’s appreciation of her yet his sadness in being dependable on her warmth & his sorrow that he’ll never give her back as much as she unknowingly did. He needs to be his own person first. He can do it now step by step as he’s learning to deal with Akito differently.
Side notes:
This post is abt the rat, the cat & the rice-ball. (The dog in part 2)
I’m so happy to see my girl sharing the spotlight this season! & by the spotlight I mean the darkness. Crack that fake mask little by little.
Tohru is falsely presented as the perfect angel who helps others while under her mask, she’s the opposite!! she’s a REAL person! someone who’s so lost & sad & lonely! I love how she’s written!! can’t wait for her content!! please let it be next ep!! plz!!
I was right! Yuki get to open his lid first.
Kisa’s fear of Akito harming tohru is sad.
Akito hating sunshine-momiji goes well with her dark theme.
both hiro & kyo have no patience for nonsense XD.
I can’t be the only one who noticed that since tohru with sleeping kids was drawn deliberately to resemble a mother, the way the show drew kyo approaching & sitting resembled a father! like a mom & dad having a rest after a long hard day with their kids outside. It gives off strong little family feels. They both looked like young adults more than teenagers, especially when tohru was telling kyo to not wake up the kids.
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purplesurveys · 5 years ago
Is it raining where you are? We’re starting to get more of them these days thank fuck, but the weather is still mostly humid and has none of the cold air that the rain comes with. But I’m happy with it anyway because it’s my favorite weather, and it feels nice and refreshing to finally have cloudy days. Would you ever get a white phone? When I was in high school I wanted a white iPhone so bad since that was the really popular color for phones back then hahaha (teenagers will turn everything into a trend, I now realize. Urgh). But because my parents always bought me new phones as a surprise, it meant that I didn’t really get a say about what color I wanted. It’s okay though, I wasn’t at all desperate for a white phone and definitely not spoiled rotten that I’d lash out at them. What was the last board game you played? It’s got to be whatever Elis brought to Skywalk before he graduated, as he liked bringing new board games for us almost everyday. One of the last ones I tried to join was Secret Hitler, but I backed out halfway through the session because I could never follow the instructions for most board games lol. What color is the floor in the room you're in? White. What color do you see the most of right now? White because our walls and floor are white, but with a strong tinge of yellow since we have yellow lights in the dining area and living room.
Are you more hungry or thirsty right now? I’m neither. Dinner tonight was so good so I had a big serving for myself and I also just finished a cup of coffee, so I’m feeling full at the moment. Have you wasted any money lately? I don’t even have any to spend these days hahahaha so nope How about lost any money? Also nope. As disorganized as I can be sometimes, I fortunately haven’t lost money. The one time I did was because someone stole my wallet altogether. What's your favorite kind of tea? I was never a tea person. Artificial sugary iced tea is enough for me. Would you rather go back to the 80's and 90's for a week? Probably the 80s so that it’s vastly different. I was able to live through some remnants of the 90s, so I prefer an entirely new experience. If you could only wear one color of socks ever, what would you choose? Just a plain color, no design? I’d go with mustard yellow I guess. It’s a cute color. What color hairties do you normally use? Black. Brown is an absolute last resort and only for situations where there aren’t any black ones anywhere. I’m super picky with my hair ties lol Do you prefer mints or gum? Gum. Sometimes it can be comforting to chew on something; it makes me feel preoccupied. Have you been sleeping well lately? Yes. My body clock is absolutely fucked, but I sleep very well and uninterrupted, thankfully. I used to wake up at the smallest noise, so I’m glad this quarantine taught me otherwise. Popsicles or fudgeicles? I had no idea what the latter is so I looked it up and...aren’t those popsicles too, just chocolate? :/ Anyway, I do like chocolate popsicles more than any other flavor. When was the last time you made a sandwich? Yesterday. What's your favorite thing for a person to do while you're kissing them? Smiling. Or biting my lip. HAHAHA I can go either way of the spectrum. Blush or bronzer? In the handful of times that my friends served as make-up artists for my face, I loved how bronzer looked on me. I’d always ask for it whenever they work on me.
Is it more important to you to have your fingernails or toenails painted? Neither is important to me. Would you rather your sheets be red or green? Eugh neither, but if I had to pick I’d go with red. Green is my least favorite color, and the only time I like it is when it’s an eye color lmao. Have you bought any bracelets recently? I have not bought anything lately, period. Including bracelets. What was the last reason you bought or recieved a card? A week before the lockdown, a guest speaker in my community press class gave me his business card. He wanted to take a photo with our class after his talk and I volunteered my phone, so he gave me his card so I could send the photos to him. How do you normally wear your hair? These days, ponytail for sure. Do you use a belt normally? It’s never a part of my outfits, no. What do you put on your hot dogs? Not really a common meal to snack on here so I haven’t had the chance to experiment and figure out what toppings I’d like on mine. How about on your tacos? I don’t really like tacos. Do you like watermelon? Nope. What is your favorite flavor of hot pockets? I don’t think we have Hot Pockets here. Maybe the fancier groceries do? but I really don’t know for sure. They look really good though and I’m often thinking about wanting to try them. The Totino’s(???) pizza rolls are also something I’ve heard about and I’m super envious cause they sound like heaven??? What color is your favorite blanket? Pink. What day of the week is it? It isssssss Thursday. I’m not even aware of the days anymore; I had to check my laptop’s clock to answer this. What's the most adventurous thing you've done this week? Stayed up till 4 AM? Lol ughhhhhhh give me my life back plz Would you prefer a brick house or a log cabin? Brick house. Patio or porch? Oooooh I would love a patio. Pool or trampoline? Pool. Trampolines are fun for like, five minutes lol. When was the last time you had orange juice? I don’t know if it counts as juice but my dad recently started buying those fizzy Berocca tablets that turn water into some type of vitamin drink when you dump it in. I hated it from the first sip, and thankfully my parents never forced me to take it after that. Do you like apple juice? Meh, it’s fine. I don’t like juices in general but apple is still one of the flavors I’d drink if it was available or offered to me. Do you have any bright colored shorts? Yes, a couple. Leggings or yoga pants? Leggings but only because I’ve never owned a pair of yoga pants. Do you like b.l.t.s? I don’t hate them, but I don’t get them a lot either. They’re just there to me lol. What was the last drink you ordered at a restaurant? I only ever go for water; it’s never been my habit to order a drink because they make me feel full quicker. Have you went to a Burger King or McDonald's more recently? Wow, neither. But my parents love Burger King more, so it was likely that that was one of the last places they bought takeout from before the lockdown. Do you remember your last dream? I don’t think so, nope. Do you like going for car rides? I do and I definitely miss them more now. Do you have a tree in your yard? No we don’t. When was the last time you lit a candle? Never. I hate using lighters and I always ask someone else to light up something meant to be lit up for me.
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moonvalecrossing · 7 years ago
Aside from the obvious Quetzal, what are some villagers last seen in the original (e+ exclusive villagers included) that you would like to see come back in the series?
Alligator: Liz. There’s only two other female alligators we need more! Sure she’s also pink but she’s different enough from Gayle that people shouldn’t get mixed up. (But come on, between the squirrel name shenanigans I doubt getting people mixed up is a real concern they have...)
Anteater: Lulu the islander. I’m a big fan of purple and yellow together. And she just looks so sweet it melts me.
NOSEGAY especially! Just change her name if that’s a problem, Nintendo. She’s so pretty!!!
Also Zoe. I think those are the only ones that haven’t came back. Just bring back all of the anteaters plz.
Bird: Ace! Flash! Blue birds! Yay!
Joe! Madame Rosa! Purple birds! YAY!
Otis. I had him in a town in Population Growing once. I miss him.
Twirp. I just liked his design when I saw it in the guide as a kid. (I shipped him with Midge.)
Bull/Cow: Chuck and Oxford. Seriously there’s so few Bulls why get rid of what little we have? Verdun too.
Carrot! Give us the carrot cow to go with our tomato duck.
Petunia! Pretty purple cow~ basically all the cows plz.
Cat: Pierre, please. Everyone else gets nightmare clown sheep I demand my mime cat. And Meow just because.
Chickens: Leigh. If its fears of looking insensitive since she’s got a native american theme... remove the war paint and head band. :\ Its not hard guys.
Rhoda, too. she was pretty.
Cub: Cupcake! Cute lil pink teddy!
Dog: Bow. See Meow. Just because.
Eagel: There’s only one. Y’ALL KNOW WHO I’M TALKING ABOUT. BRING MAH BABY BACK TO MEEEEE. Take off the war paint if it’s a problem. THIS AINT HARD.
Elephant: Elina. She was soooo pretty. Again if markings are a problem in her design, get rid of the bindi. :| She’s the only elephant I think.
Frog: Emerald and Sunny. Just because they’re kinda plain and just green frogs doesn’t mean they can’t be loved! SUNNY IS SO CUTE.
Goat: (I almost typed Groot instead of goat wtf) Old man Iggy and Old man Sven! Blue goats! BLUE GOATS.
Gorilla: Jane. Why take away one of our few lady gorillas?
Kangaroo: Koharu. I really like her face design.
Marcy. Her hood is cuuuuute on her baby!!
Valise is so elegant. Besides Carrie, she’s my favorite kangaroo!
Koala: Faith. She was my first villager islander ever and I always really liked her!
Huggy is cute. She deserves hugs. Its in her name.
Lion: Aziz. I need my blue maned lion back!
Jubei looks like he could be a pretty cool lion too.
(Also on the topic of lions, give us some lady lions! You gave us Boy Kangaroos finally, I WANT LION EQUALITY.)
Mouse: Candi, Carmen, and Flossie. THEY CUTE. (I would have had Penny on this list but... that Terrible Secret of Animal Crossing story kinda made me scared of her...)
Ostrich: Nindori. Coco needs a spooky eyed friend!
Rio is literally my favorite Ostrich WHY HAS SHE NOT COME BACK? SHE LOOKS SO NICE.
Pig: Hambo was cool looking. I liked his headband! Pigleg had and awesome name and an awesome pirate look.
Rhino: Patricia is a yellow rhino with horns that look like watermelon slices. GIMME NAO.
Petunia the rhino is cute too!
Tiara had a unique look. One of the last times I played Population Growing I met her in my town and I dunno I just really like her look.
Squirrel: Kit. Looks like. Conker. That tickles me. I want him in my towns. I swear I will not make him say inappropriate things. I don’t do that in my games.
Wolf: Tarou is purple and cute and I love him.
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kyouxhei-blog · 8 years ago
About the Mun
Tumblr media
Real name: Camilla Nicknames: Sushi, Ninja Sexuality: Asexual/Demisexual Preferred pronouns: She/Her. Are you a morning person ?: At times yes When swimming, do you prefer to do it in the ocean, or in a lake ?: Lake plz, the ocean water doe horrible things to my skin.
Anyone you would like to meet in real life?: There are few people I’d like to meet irl, but not gonna tell who ;C Anyone you have met in real life?: Uh yes, few people.. one is my current roommate <3 When did you first join? How old is your current account?: I joined in Tumblr (with my main) about 5 years ago? and this Nate p blog is a week old :’D Any peeves?: Force shipping, going against other people rules, oc’s that already has a backstory for your muse and them force feeding that shit to you-.. like fuck off with that bullshit assfuckery! Unpopular opinion: Charizard is not the best pokemon, I hate it.
Do you easily get jealous ?: No, not really Do you easily get angry ?: Depends.. like, hurt my friends = get ready for the shitstorm... and when I play Splatoon I get overly mad and salty because I suck at that game xD Are you easy to cheer up ?: Actually no-.. if I’m having a shitty day people who tries to cheer me up makes me just feel the most aful person in the world because they are trying to help but I just can’t cheer up... What’s the most hurtful thing someone could do to you?: . . . . . Ummm, hurt my friends? What’s the most hurtful thing someone has done to you?: bullying for first grade to the high school Are you good at hiding your emotions?: Yeah, I’m master of that-... What’s the very best way to cheer you up?: F.r.i.e.n.d.s (tv show), watching other hows, playing videogames, not being too pushy with your “I wanna cheer you up” -attitude. I’m sorry if it sounds rude, but please.. I love my own space and peace ;;
Are you currently in a relationship?: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. nope, never again. Do you currently have a crush on someone?: Uhh, no. It takes a whole lot for me to form a crush for someone. If yes, might that someone be reading this?: - Do you kiss on the first date?: Oh eeww dates... no, never Do you prefer going out, or staying home, when it comes to dates?: I prefer to stay indoors, without a date thank you.
Favorite drink: Mango flavored Ice Tea, Bubble Tea, Vanilla Coke, Watermelon Ramune Favorite food: Sushi, mis soup, fried noodles, chicken wok Most calming place?: My own room tbh Most stressful place?: Outdoors in every occasion. Most prized possession?: My cats urn. I miss him so much </3
TAGGED BY: indirectly tagged by @rxnctus TAGGING: -
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satusepiida · 8 years ago
Floraverse Characters as Gems from Steven Universe
Steven Floraverse?? Lol
Okay so I’m not saying that the Floraverse characters are equivalent to SU characters, this is just speculation as to what type of gem they would be based on powers and personality, with some basis in color scheme and appearance. However I do make some comparisons between characters in both stories, I’m just not saying that they ARE those characters.
Note there are spoilers in this post for characters and their powers in both stories. I’m including gems that exist up through the Wanted episodes.
I think the most obvious is that Orobas/Azlyn is a Sapphire. She is super sweet and chill and has future vision. She could even be a Padparadscha Sapphire because of her usual color scheme (usual as in not the timelines we haven’t seen as much of), and maybe because her visions can be a little weird and misleading?? Or difficult to interpret anyway. We only know one Paparadscha and so we don’t really know if there can be variation in how their offcolor powers work and if so how much. But I like to think of Orobas as a cute smol pink one.
I really think Neon is a Bismuth. She could also be a Peridot based on her technical skills, but her color scheme is more Bismuth. And Scrapgoats and co. seem to have very Bismuth-y abilities, changing their body shape with/for tools and utility. You could argue Neon is more nerdy than badass, but she did take some part in a sort of rebellion against TAL much like how Bismuth fought Rose Quartz, so there’s definitely an underlying streak of badass in her. However, if Neon’s affinity turns out to be magnet or has something to do with “metal powers” I could definitely see her as a Peridot, it’s really a toss up tbr.
I can see Lily as a Peridot too, what with her “limb enhancers" as well as her technical skills. Or a Jasper, considering her strength and charisma. Instead of Jasper’s helmet she’d have some sort of weaponized legs probably. I can also relate Lily to Lion or Centipeedle for flooffiness!! lol.
Oh, and other candidates for Bismuths include Calliope, Lionel, and Ann from Seeds: a Mini Story. Just because they’re smiths, and the drops use shapeshifting as part of their smithing skills. Meanwhile, Cayenne is totally an angry Ruby, “I’m an eternal flame, bb!!”
Cress is probably a Lapis Lazuli just due to water powers. Min could be a Padparadscha being smol and confused, but she is also impatient like an Era 2 Peridot without her limb enhancers.
I think Biff, Jupet, and Necropossums (+hybrids) in general are most closely like Rose Quartzes. Jupet especially because Beleth seems much like Lion and pink Lars in their independence as a puppet/“zombie” type being. Whereas Biff’s zombies are probably closer to the Watermelon Stevens. Also there’s the social ostracism they face as a species, though it’s for different reasons than the Rose Quartzes all being bubbled, but I can kinda relate the two. I can also relate the Necropossum ability to come back to life as similar to Rose’s coming “back to life” as Steven, in a way.
I mentioned that Beleth is kinda like Lion and pink Lars. I think they’re also kinda like Steven. In some timelines, Jupet is “gone” while Beleth exists, similar to how Rose Quartz is gone so Steven can exist. I could make the case that in some timelines Beleth is like a pink zombie while in others they are more like Steven, a gem-non gem hybrid.
Amdusias seems most closely like an Aquamarine, albeit a very toll one. She has great power and status, a “magic wand” (though hers is pretty different from Aqua’s), she can fly, and she’s kind of an asshole lbr. But there’s still an underlying kindness and concern for her allies/underlings, even if she mainly shows it in an “I’m so done” kinda way.
While Furfur does have a spear coming out of her head like our Pearl, she is probably not a Pearl. I’d go with Agate or Jasper. Probably Agate due to her place of importance, though I can draw similarities in attitude between Furfur and the character Jasper.
Baphomet, btw, is totally a Diamond. Now because the stories and worlds are very different she’s not really like the Diamonds of SU, from what we know of her as Empress of Hellside she is mainly concerned with protecting the world from angels, she doesn’t wanna invade Topside to make more demons afaik. But her position and status is like that of a Diamond, more so than anyone else we’ve seen in Floraverse except maybe TAL, and she runs an efficient court and army. If she were a Diamond I’d want to call her Black Diamond because of the diamonds suit of cards, so I guess that makes the capital of “Steven Floraverse Hellside” Chance?? *shrug* lol
Angels are fusion experiments, just due to sheer body horror, and how they emotionally affect the Crystal Gems. They have a different relationship to Hellsiders than the Fusion Experiments do to Homeworld. Homeworld seems more like Topside in the general awareness of Earth stuff, whereas Earth is like Hellside lol. Baphomet may be a Diamond but she’s taken the place of the leader of the Crystal Gems, protecting her world from invading angels. Maybe like Pink Diamond could have been??? Oh well I’m getting off the track here heh.
I honestly have no idea what kind of gems any of the troupe could be. Their powers are so outside of Steven Universe type powers. However, TAL could be a Diamond, perhaps, being so powerful and having so many people loyal to them. Or Fluorite! Or the Cluster?? They just bring to mind a huge fusion, many minds connected, even if they’re only one AI.
Lunekos are Cookie Cats, they just are.
Anyhow, if you’re into both of these fandoms, what do you think? All of this is just-for-fun speculation. Do any of your favorite Floraverse characters or OCs strike you as a particular type of Gem? Do you see any Steven Universe characters or your Gem OCs as particular Floraverse species? Do you vehemently disagree with my headcanons/au and wish to tell me off? Plz reblog with your ideas to let me know!
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pandatookmycookies · 8 years ago
1-100 they're cool ones
1.What have you eaten today?-Nothing so far... Should probably eat at some point xD2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?-A person, and it was cute. 3. What color shoes did you last wear?-My DC trainers, they comfort.4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?-Frands, there’s been many a funny giggles.5. What is your favorite scent?-Sweet smells c: 6. What is your favorite season? Why?-I don’t really have one, I kinda hate and love all of them for different reasons x3 Although English winters suck cause it’s cold, windy and rainy all the fricking time. 7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?-PAHAHAHAHA. I have the upper body strength of a newborn xD 8. What color are your nails?-Nail colour, I can’t wear nail polish cause of uni (we do practicals and we’re not allowed to have em painted).9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?-Something cute, like a lil loveheart near my eye or something. 10. What is something you find romantic?-EVERYTHING!! Just genuinely giving a shit o:11. Are you happy?-I mean I’m not curled up in a ball crying in the corner of my room yet so I wouldn’t say I’m unhappy as such o:12. Is there anything in particular making you happy or sad?-Uni is literally the bane of my life. 13. Dogs or Cats?-BOTH Q-Q PLZ CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME THEM ALL?!!?!15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?-Depends, museum or forest would be super cool tho. Can like I go there now?15. What is your style?-I have no idea, usually “find something that fits and makes you look slightly less like a homeless person than you already look” o.o Although, usually black clothes. They go with everything then! 16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?-Sleeping. 17. Are you in a relationship or single?-I am a one bob.18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?-Everything.19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?-Erm I wouldn’t? xD 20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? -m8 I am literally a grudge queen, these two girls took the piss out of my art and I still dislike them for that. 21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?-Erm... I think I was working? Maybe? not really sure o.o Can’t remember.22. Have you recently made any big decisions? -Yes, waking up is one of those decisions.23. Were you ever in a school play?-Yeah, only back in Lithuania tho x3 24. What movie would you use to describe your life?-Some really cringy comedy where the main character is horrendous at life.25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?-Travelling!! Because no monies or time :C I’d also like to go volunteer at a bunch of animal shelters abroad and help them fix everything up and stuff, but once again, dollah and time :c 26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”-Everything.27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?-This weird competition thing that we seem to have?? Like, can we not just love each other and stop judging?!?! Like just be nice to each other Q-Q And the fact that a lot of us have really bad self-confidence, like no gurl!! I love you and you are beautiful in every way please don’t hate yourself!! 28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?-How most of them assume that the friendzone is a thing, and it’s like!?!? WHY IS BEING MY FRIEND SO DIFFICULT FOR YOU?!!? ALSO THAT’S LIKE EXACTLY HOW YOU WOULD GO ABOUT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO BE ANYTHING MORE WITH ME SO WHY YOU COMPLAINING!?!? And this whole “oh she’s a slut cause she did this or that” yet, some of them go about begging ladies to do that exact thing they shame us about... it’s like?!? where the fuck is the logic in that??? 29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?-Erm... good question... Erm... Nothing really o.o I mean I woke up and didn’t die whilst driving home? 30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?-A lot of things o.o31. How long was your longest relationship?-3 years and 11 months. 32. Have you ever been in love?-Idk what it was man, maybe??33. Are you currently in love?-WHAT IS LOVE, BABY DON’T HURT ME, DON’T HURT ME, NO MORE!!!34. Why did your last relationship end?-WELLLLL!!! A shit tonne of reasons but the breaking point was when my lung popped and the ambulance had to take me to the hospital, he decided to ring me and shout at me and have an argument with me because it meant that I wasn’t going to go around to his house?... and then he didn’t wanna visit me until I asked him to, and told him that my parents will pick him up and take him home afterwards, and he was an absolute ass whilst I was at home for like a month trying to heal, he literally said to me “your lung drain (he meant chest drain but alright fam) is out now so don’t expect any sympathy from me, clearly you’re fine otherwise they wouldn’t have taken it out” and pretty much still expected me to do everything for him c: So yeah... things weren’t very fab xD 35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?-Just one earing in my second hole, the piercing place, never really got round to changing it tbh. 36. When was the last time you cried and why?-Like 2 weeks ago or something? I had to run out of the classroom and lock myself in the uni toilets and have a lil bit of a breakdown c: No idea, think I just bottled up everything too much.37. Name someone pretty.-ALL OF YOU READING THIS!!38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?-Neda bought me a potted plant for my room x3 That was cute. 39. Do you get jealous easily?-Eh, depends, like not usually but if you give me reason then hell yeah. 40. Have you ever been cheated on?-Yes.41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?-Yes c: 42. Ever had detention?-A few times. 43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?-Eh, kinda like... idk... a bit of both?? Like I’d be scared if it was the countryside in the sense that there’s no one else anywhere near you, cause then like if someone murders me no one will know Q-Q But yeah, countryside ish would be nice c: 44. What do people call you? -Depends who really o: And when xD if people are pissed off at me they usually say Agnes or something. 45. What was the last book you read? -BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Oncolody 3rd edition. 46. How big of a nerd/dork are you? -Not really sure? o:47. What kind of music do you listen to?-A lil bit of everything x3 but lately mostly metal.48. How tall are you?-164cm fuck knows in ft... maybe 5ft4??49. Do you like kids?-Depends xD Like... They usually annoy me. Unless they’re cool. 50. Favorite fruits?-Watermelon. 51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?-Jeans.52. What’s your earliest memory?-Drawing on the walls in my room in lithuania. That was fun.53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?-Noes o: well not as far as I know anyway.54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?-Depends o: But usually I’m behind the camera. 55. Do you have a collection of anything? -Loads of stuff that I keep in case I ever use it for art (like really, not had any time ever so that’s probably very unlikely but who knows!!!)56. Do you save money or spend it? -Bit of all really o:57. What would your dream house be like?-Full of dogs and cats, maybe some llamas.58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?-When people hurt me friends, stupid drivers on the road THAT DON’T USE THEIR FUCKING INDICATORS!?!?!, when pheasants run out in front of the car whilst driving to uni, uni, slow walkers. 59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?-Goldi, nice people, glitter, being appreciated, animal videos.60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?-FUCK THE JOB, literally i can’t even swim but fuck everything. That lil pooch getting saved. 61. 72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?-a) i tell people I care about.b) TRAVEL!! :D make a playlist for my funeral so then everyone can boogie. c) Probably a bit, but eh. 62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.-Ventricular fibrillation can be treated with lidocaine. 63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?-Australia or Iceland. Or somewhere pretty. 64. Do you like the beach?-Yes Q-Q 65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?-Yes, Goldi.66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!-Nope c: i think it would drive people nuts having to write my full name out if I did tbh xD 67. Do you talk to yourself?-Of course.68. Describe your hair.-Blonde?? Weird?? A pain in the ass.69. What is the meaning of life.-You tell me? 70. What is your ideal partner like?-A human being c: A nice one. One that gives a shit, and will deal with the way that I am.71. Do you want to get married?-Maybe one day o: 72. Do you want to have kids?-Maybe one day, but for now nah thanks.73. Like or dislike your family?-Close family like, some of the family in Lithuania not so much.74. Are you Chunky or Slim?-I’m like chubby? idk??75. Would you consider yourself smart? -I mean I can be, but I lack common sense.76. What would you change about your life? -More time to be a human?77. Religious or Not?-Nah, although I nearly got stabbed by a lady in the library yesterday because I told her I’m not religious, and she told me judgement day was coming and wanted my contact details and i was just sat there like ._.”78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?-Sav, or Steev, or any of my uni friends tbh.79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?-Nah.80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?-My friends c: 81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?-Cuddles.82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?-Yeah why not.83. Do you like when people play with your hair? -Yes, plz. 84. Do you like bubble baths?-I like em more now for sure x3 ALL OF THE BATHBOMBS!!85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?-Nah. Well, not me personally. But been in a car whilst it was pulled over. 86. Have you ever danced in the rain?-Yes!! That’s how I used to spend my summer holidays at my nans xD When we’d get massive summer showers, it was beautiful.87. Do you trust anyone with your life?-Doctors. Maybe.88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?-FFS.89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week) -Iceland, Australia, Sweden, America, Canada, Bahamas, Hawaii. erm... Idk, just take me wherever it’s pretty!!90. How was your day today?-So far I’ve not died so good c: Wbu?91. Play an instrument? -Nah xD92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.-Its so beautiful, and hides so many petrifying things!! Likw ALL of that wildlife there!! like... I wanna see it all. 93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?-Aliens for sure, ghosts, more on the fence about.94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be? -Eh, not really, but its a work in progress c: 95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?-Oh yes xD96. When are you vulnerable?-All the time. I’m fragile. 97. How much free time do you have?-Literally -2000000.98. Do you like to go hiking? -Yeah sure! :D 99. Odd or Even Numbers?-Hmmm... even unless it ends with a 5. 100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?-Hmm not really sure D: I’m a massive wimp especially when it comes to heights and stuff... like... Don’t really know o: Maybe one day!! :3 Thanking you for the ask!! And I’m ever so sorry it’s took me so long Q-Q Like I am terrible i know D:
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